Best sequel for video game in a long while

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Jedi: Survivor XBSX

I enjoyed Jedi: Fallen Order a lot but this makes so many improvements and goes so far beyond to make a true single-player experience memorable, which for this current console generation/day and age is regrettably missing. The graphics and sheer vistas/settings in the game are breathtaking. The level design is so intriguing that it makes replayability such a worthwhile part of the game, the different visitable worlds are so rich in detail that every time you visit a particular section for a second, third, or fourth time, you are sure to find a new detail/secret/collectible/enemy. The map is reworked so it can be navigated/zoomed into much better than before so that traversal within the world is much easier than before. Secrets and collectibles, albeit challenging to achieve, are very nicely laid out throughout the game whilst not being too frustrating to discover. The game/Cal subtly assist you when you really struggle to solve a particular puzzle whilst also helping you keep track of which areas of the map you haven't explored and whether you can actually traverse these levels with your current experience level/abilities achieved as the player.

As for the negatives, there were frame rate drops often enough to be noticeable, but this is far overshadowed by how fun the game can be. Once you have completed the game 100% (which took me around 95 hours at a leisurely pace), the New Game Plus mode/'story mode only' difficulty allows you to replay the story and truly enjoy the game with all the abilities you have unlocked throughout the main story. The ability unlocks are well paced out so as to not be too overwhelming for a first-time player.

All-in-all this is the best truly single-player video game of the modern era which should be on a a completionist's must-play list!