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Borderlands Vault Card 2 Out Now For Director's Cut Owners

Vault Card 2: Welcome to Pandora pays tributes to the fools who lost themselves looking for glory and loot on the perilous planet, and it's available to download now for Director's Cut owners.


Borderlands 3: Director's Cut owners looking for more cosmetic items and Legendary gear can now download Vault Card 2: Welcome to Pandora, the second of three in-game add-ons.

Vault Card 2: Welcome to Pandora is themed around explorers who "dared to brave the perilous planet of Pandora seeking some combination of adventure, riches, loot, and glory," according to a press release. In particular, Tales from the Borderlands fans can get new Vault Hunter Heads and the Gortys skin for the ECHO device hanging around your in-game room.

Introduced with the Director's Cut, Vault Cards are a new addition to Borderlands 3. They're a progression system (similar to a battle pass) that, when activated, grants you more loot and additional XP. Vault Cards pool from over 100 challenges, providing another way to level up characters. However, they're exclusive to the Director's Cut, which can be purchased individually for $15 USD or as part of the game's $100 Ultimate Edition and $30 Season Pass 2 add-on.

That scaly SMG looks nuts.
That scaly SMG looks nuts.

In total, there are 28 rewards that can be unlocked in Vault Card 2. This includes four new pieces of Legendary gear, additional Vault Hunt skins, and the aforementioned heads. The full list of unlockable items is outlined below.

Vault Card 2: Welcome To Pandora Unlockable Rewards

  • 4 pieces of new Legendary gear (2 SMGs, Grenade Mod, Artifact)
  • 4 Vault Hunter Heads
  • 4 shared Vault Hunter Skins
  • 5 ECHO Device skins
  • 1 Weapon skin
  • 6 Weapon Trinkets
  • 2 Emotes
  • 2 Room Decorations

In other Borderlands news, the game received an update in late June that activated cross-play while increasing the level cap. Elsewhere, several developers on the game have left Gearbox to work on a brand-new project. There's also a Borderlands spin-off based on Tiny Tina coming next year. And the Borderlands movie is nearly done with filming, but post-production will take some time.

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