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Five Nights at Freddy's RPG Pulled From Sale, Will Be Free Upon Return

Creator Scott Cawthon outlines his plans after admitting he released the game too soon.


Following his recent admission that the game was released too early, FNaF World developer Scott Cawthon has pulled his latest release from Steam.

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"Even though the game had a 'Very Positive' rating with 87%, I was not satisfied with the reviews and ratings it was getting," Cawthon wrote on Steam today, referencing World's user reviews on Steam. "For that reason, I've decided to remove the game from Steam."

This naturally begs the question of what happens to those who already paid the game's $10 price tag. Cawthon said he's requested that Valve offer refunds regardless of how long it's been owned or played, allowing anyone to get their money back who wants it. Typically, you can't request a Steam refund after playing a game for more than two hours.

Cawthon goes on to explain his plan for the game, which is to build "a fully 3D overworld."

"When I'm ready to update the game, I will replace the demo currently on GameJolt with the full game," he said. "From this point forward, the game will always be free."

As part of his recent apology for releasing the game too soon, he acknowledged criticisms over the absence of explanations of abilities in battle. He later updated his apology post to say that an overworld map and descriptions of attack commands, Bytes, and Chips would be added.

"I appreciate your support, and I encourage you all to refund your Steam game (even if you enjoyed the game), and download the new version when it becomes available on GameJolt," today's message reads. No estimate was offered for when the new version will be available.

FNaF World, an RPG spinoff of Cawthon's successful horror series Five Nights at Freddy's, was scheduled for release on February 19. In a surprise, it appeared on Steam last week, leading to criticism over missing features and Cawthon's subsequent apology. On Friday, he said he'd adding the missing features "in the coming weeks," but didn't provide any indication of whether he'd be pulling the game from sale.

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