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Forza Motorsport Release Date, New Trailer Revealed

The new Forza Motorsport game arrives in October.


As part of the Xbox Games Showcase, Microsoft announced the release date for its new Forza Motorsport game, and it'll be here relatively soon. The game, which is simply titled Forza Motorsport, releases on October 10. Additionally, Microsoft debuted a new trailer for Forza Motorsport--check it out below.

The new Forza Motorsport game has a single-player career mode and an online competitive element. The game has more than 500+ cars and a variety of "world-famous" tracks. Microsoft also confirmed that the game uses "cutting edge AI and advanced physics" in some capacity.

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Microsoft and developer Turn 10 have previously given some information about the next Motorsport, including the addition of new audio features the will make it accessible for the blind community. The new game is also said to be targeting a higher-end spec like the Xbox Series X, as the Xbox One version will be cloud-based instead of native.

Microsoft also has the Forza Horizon series in its stable. The latest release was 2021's Forza Horizon 5 from developer Playground Games. That studio is also working on the new Fable, which got an impressive new trailer at Xbox Games Showcase.

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