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Killing Floor 2 Won't Get Stat Reset after Early Access

Progress made on class perks will carry over to full game.


Progress made in first-person shooter Killing Floor 2 during its Early Access period will carry over to the full version of the game when it is released, developer Tripwire Interactive confirmed today at E3 2015.

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The game is can be purchased via Steam in its Early Access stage for $30. Tripwire has been regularly releasing new content for the game, a recent update introducing a new map. Killing Floor 2 brings back some of the zombies and classes from the previous game, and Tripwire as confirmed that it will continue to add new maps, perks, zombie types, and more.

Killing Floor 2 hit Steam Early Access on April 21, and is slated for a final release on PC and PlayStation 4 in 2015. For more on the game, check out our Early Access review.

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