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Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy Were Reimagined To Look Unique And Recognizable In The Game

Developer Eidos Montreal explains how it used its creative freedom to create a Guardians of the Galaxy team that embodies cinematic and comic book influences with a more personal touch.


Eidos Montreal's upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy game has a roster that has clearly been inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe incarnation of the group, but for this new version, the studio also had creative freedom to make the gang look both unique and recognizable instead of being mere movie knock-offs. In a blog post, art director Bruno Gauthier-Leblanc explained how the developer added its own personal touch to the Guardians while retaining their signature look from across comics and films.

For Peter "Star-Lord" Quill, his look was designed to be a time capsule of 1980s culture with a sci-fi twist that includes an exaggerated hairstyle, his trademark leather jacket, and other small details that are cherished memories. One of these design elements is the Star-Lord patch on Quill's jacket back, which is from his favorite rock band.

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When it came to Gamora, Eidos Montreal wanted to reflect her status as the deadliest woman in the galaxy, which resulted in full tactical body armor that has swift and lethal design elements woven into her outfit. According to Gauthier-Leblanc, Gamora's overall look is sharp and practical, emphasizing her lethal nature.

Drax represented an interesting challenge, as his trademark tattoos are more than just fancy ink and are in fact a chronicle of his entire life. According to Gauthier-Leblanc, the markings that Drax displays so prominently are a tale of the important events in his life, such as his love for his family and the battles he fought to honor and avenge them.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

As for Rocket and Groot, the inseparable nature of the duo resulted in not only a complementary fighting style but also a visual design that played on the strengths of their bond. Groot's body armor was designed to reflect the look of armor plating from Japanese mech designs, while Rocket's passion for gadgets was reflected in his outfit.

"Their gear echoes their dynamic and how integral they are to one another," Gauthier-Leblanc explained. For instance, Groot wears a harness created by Rocket so he can climb up and fire away at enemies, and Rocket sports a bead-shaped like a mini-Groot in his goatee."

Guardians of the Galaxy releases on October 26 for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, PC, and Switch via cloud. If you're interested you can check out our Guardians of the Galaxy preorder hub to see what comes with each edition. For more on the game and how it makes an incredibly strong first impression, you can read our Guardians of the Galaxy preview.

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