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Mass Destruction on Display in New Trailer for Cities: Skylines' Natural Disaster DLC

Earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, and floods will destroy your city.


Paradox has released a new trailer for Cities: Skylines' upcoming expansion, Natural Disasters.

This new video shows off some of the natural disasters that can topple a city, including earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, meteors, and floods. The upbeat music that plays over the footage is a nice touch. Take a look above.

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Now Playing: Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters, In-game Trailer

As announced previously, Natural Disasters adds city-toppling emergency situations to the game; these can occur unexpectedly or players can choose to trigger them manually. Players will need to set up countermeasures to combat the disasters or else their cities will be destroyed.

The expansion also adds a new Scenario Mode that players can use to create their own challenges and then share them with friends and the community via Steam Workshop.

Natural Disasters, due out this winter on PC, is Skylines' third expansion, following After Dark and Snowfall. For more on the game and its expansions, check out GameSpot's reviews below.

Skylines is developed by Colossal Order. By Paradox's latest count, the game has sold more than 2 million copies.

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