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Nioh Goes Gold, Release Date Confirmed

"Succeeded in master up" is so much better than "gone gold," don't you think?


According to a tweet from the official @nioh_game account, Team Ninja's samurai slasher Nioh is finished and ready to be sent to retail stores.

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Google Translate tells us that Nioh has "succeeded in master up," the Japanese rendering of the phrase "gone gold." The tweet thanks fans for being patient, and confirms the game will be released on February 09, 2017.

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Now Playing: Nioh - 4 Minutes of Strategic Samurai Sword Swinging Gameplay

Nioh wears its Dark Souls inspiration on its sleeve, stepping away from the traditionally frenetic combat found in Team Ninja's Ninja Gaiden series.

For more Nioh info, check out our feature on its evolution from JRPG to action game, or watch seven minutes of boss battle gameplay from PSX 2016.

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