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Nioh PC Complete Edition Out Now On Steam; Check Out Some Max Settings Gameplay

Have a look at Nioh in all its glory on PC.


PC owners had to wait longer than their PS4 counterparts to get their hands on Team Ninja's Nioh, but it's arguably worth the wait. Nioh arrived today on Steam in the form of a Complete Edition, which includes all of its DLC for $50.

In the video above, you can check out some footage of the game running on PC at max settings. We take on Hino-Enma, the game's second boss, as well as a variety of lesser enemies. While offering enhanced visuals, this is still the same game that released earlier this year on PS4--where it was quite good, as you can read about in our Nioh review.

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Now Playing: Nioh: Complete Edition - Max PC Settings Gameplay

There have been some complaints about the PC port, as evidenced by the game's "Mixed" user review average on Steam. Most notably, players are frustrated with the lack of mouse support, rendering it unplayable with a keyboard and mouse. There's also confusion about how to change your resolution, but that process is explained here. That said, even once you know how to change the resolution, ultrawide options are not currently available.

As noted above, Nioh: Complete Edition includes all three of its DLC expansions. Dragon of the North, Defiant Honor, and Bloodshed's End all add new story chapters, presenting players with new challenges to overcome. The PC version also features an exclusive new item called the Dharmachakra Kabuto helmet.

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