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Rage 2 Post-Launch DLC Calendar Shows All The Extra Content Coming And When

Rage 2 is getting a lot of extra content.


Bethesda's Rage 2 is out this week, and the long-awaited title's release is just the beginning. Bethesda has released new details on the post-apocalyptic sequel's content calendar for 2019, and there's a lot of extra content coming.

As the graphic explains, all World Events are free, as is the Day 30 update, some weapon skins, cheat codes, Wasteland challenges, and the One Wheeler vehicle. The rest of the content is paid. The two biggest pieces of content seem to be Expansion 1: Rise of the Ghosts, and the untitled Expansion 2, which are set to launch in August and later in the Fall respectively. The two expansions add a variety of newness like new story content, more weapons, vehicles, and locations. You can check out the full content calendar below to see what's coming.

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You can get Rage 2 and all the extra DLC in the Rage 2: Deluxe Edition, which costs $80 USD £70 / $130 AUD.

Rage 2 is developed by Avalanche Studios in Sweden. Id Software, the developer of the original Rage, is also assisting in the game's development. The game launches on May 14 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Rage 2 is set 30 years after the events of the first Rage, which was released in 2011 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. The Earth has started to recover after being ravaged by a global catastrophe, and plant and animal life have begun springing up around the planet, making it more colourful.

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