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Rage 2 Walmart E3 Leak Gets Homage With Giveaway

Where were you the day Rage 2 leaked?


Last year, before its big debut at Bethesda's E3 press conference, Rage 2 was outed by a large leak from Walmart Canada. Bethesda took those lemons and made lemonade by essentially acknowledging the leak was legit and making jokes about it. Now as it prepares for release, it's immortalizing the leak with a special giveaway.

A tweet from Rage 2 account announced that for the one-year anniversary of the Walmart Canada leak, it's giving away some specially stylized Xbox One controllers. The controllers are essentially a printout of the leak itself, showing the game page with Bethesda's wise-cracking notes, along with the pink anarchy symbol. You can enter to win a controller by following and retweeting the Rage 2 account.

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Of course, it's no coincidence that this promotion is also coming just as the game itself is on the way. It releases next Tuesday, May 14, and Bethesda recently announced PC system specs and other technical details for the two console versions.

A separate giveaway, with a similar entry structure, recently gave away a custom Rage 2 "Dreamcast." It's actually a custom-built PC inside a Dreamcast shell, but it does actually play Rage 2. The game is also leaning into nostalgic references with NBA Jam announcer Tim Kitzrow commentary available as a pre-order bonus.

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