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The Outer Worlds' First Switch Screenshots Emerge As Delay Announced

The Switch version launches March 6.


Update: Private Division has announced that The Outer Worlds on Switch has been delayed, now targeting fiscal 2021, due to the Coronavirus outbreak impacting the Singapore-based studio Virtuos. Original story follows.

Last week, publisher Private Division confirmed that Obsidian Entertainment's excellent RPG, The Outer Worlds, will finally be launching on Nintendo Switch on March 6. Nintendo has now shared the first batch of screenshots from the Switch release of one of GameSpot's best games of 2019.

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Now Playing: The Outer Worlds Switch Port Delayed Due To Coronavirus - GS News Update

The screenshots appeared on the Eshop's official store page for the game before Nintendo eventually removed them. The reasoning behind their removal is currently unclear, but it might just be a case of someone flipping the switch too early. Either way, you can see them below.

The Switch version can't match the graphical fidelity on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
The Switch version can't match the graphical fidelity on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

VGC confirmed that the screenshots are real, and they certainly look like they're taken from a Switch version of the game. Much like The Witcher 3 port, there's a loss of sharpness and detail that's to be expected. The real test will depend on how well it runs both docked and undocked.

The prospect of being able to play The Outer Worlds on the go is certainly an enticing one. Edmond Tran rewarded Obsidian's latest 9/10 in GameSpot's review late last year. "I finished The Outer Worlds wanting more, eager to jump back into the world to see extra things. It's not a short game, but it's one packed with such a steady stream of wonderful characters to meet, interesting places to explore, and meaningful, multi-layered quests to solve, that it didn't feel like there was any room to get tired of it. I wanted to rewind the clock and do everything in a completely different way. The Outer Worlds is consistently compelling throughout, and it's a superb example of how to promote traditional RPG sensibilities in a sharp, modern experience."

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