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Total War: Warhammer DLC Made Free After Backlash

Retailers will continue to give the DLC to customers for free.


Total War: Warhammer developer The Creative Assembly has announced the Chaos Warriors Race DLC pack will be available for free for the first week the game is on sale.

The decision is believed to be in response to a wave of criticism from fans, who weren't happy that one of the fantasy property's most iconic races was only being made available to those that preorder. The first trailer for the Chaos Warriors currently has close to 50,000 dislikes on YouTube.

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In a statement, creative director Mike Simpson said "Chaos Warriors have proven to be hugely popular."

"By extending the deadline for getting them for free by a week, we can ensure loyal fans who don't feel like preordering don't miss out, while still rewarding early adopters whose support is really valuable to us," he added.

"We're really confident in the game and with the community backing us so strongly this should be the biggest launch for Total War ever."

Retailers that currently offer the Chaos Warriors as a preorder bonus will "continue offering the DLC for free into the first week." However, the free period will come to an end at 10:00 AM PDT/18:00 BST on May 31, 2016.

Publisher Sega previously said Warhammer will deliver "hundreds of hours" of gameplay. It plans to release two additional expansions after the game's initial launch. Total War: Warhammer is the first in a three-part trilogy that will include two standalone further installments.

Warhammer was previously expected to launch in April, but is now due out for PC on May 24. For more on Warhammer, check out GameSpot's hands-on preview and interview with The Creative Assembly.

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