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Watch Stunning Star Wars Episode 7 Behind-the-Scenes Video

Warning, this video might give you chills.


We didn't get a new trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens at Comic-Con, but Lucasfilm did release a fresh behind-the-scenes video for the upcoming movie--and is does not disappoint.

The video, which you can watch below, outlines the upcoming movie's use of real sets and practical effects, married with of course the digital technology of 2015. It also gives fans a look at some new heroes and villains, along with returning cast members such as Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher.

"You've been here, but you don't know this story," Hamill says. "Everything's changed, but nothing's changed."

The Force Awakens, the first installment in a new Star Wars trilogy, opens in theaters on December 18.

Also at Comic-Con this week, we learned new details about the movie's villains. Adam Driver will play Kylo Ren, while Gwendoline Christie is portraying a Stormtrooper named Captain Phasma. It's also now been confirmed that Domhnall Gleeson will play a character called General Hux. He is a leader of the First Order at Starkiller Base, according to a report from Polygon.

Meanwhile, DICE's new Star Wars Battlefront game, which has DLC that ties into the film, launches in November for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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