At first glance a good game , but far from being a successor to the Fallout Series!

User Rating: 7 | The Outer Worlds PC

Imagine taking the storyline mechanics and equipment system of fallout, mixing it with the combat system of Bioshock and watering it down for the average player who has the attention span of a pigeon and you get the Outer Worlds. The game is the equivalent of a beautifully designed prop. At first glance, you might think that this game might overtake the fallout series someday but you are gravely mistaken. It is nowhere near as deep, immersive or detailed as fallout 3 or fallout 4. Here is a quick comparison;

Fallout 4 vs The OuterWorlds

1- The outerworlds can be beaten in 8 hours and is super easy. Fallout takes 30 hours+ and is much harder.

2-The outerworlds cheats the player by presenting a starmap with 10 planets, but only 3 can be accessed leading to a massive dissapointement. Fallout has hundreds of interesting areas + the DLCs.

3- In the OW, The skill tree is massively unbalanced. (Just pump points into science & science gun/science hammer and you can easily become overpowered by upgrading your weapons to the max). Half the skills serve little or no purpose.

4- In the OW, The armor and weapons are repetitive and uninteresting.

5- In the OW, Health items are not well done... They almost felt useless or inefficient.

6-In the OW, The story is cliche and not as deep as Fallout 4 for example... You don't really care what goes on..

7- In the OW, You can re-spend your skill points, meaning that you simply pump all your points in lockpicking/hacking and those abilities which keep giving you XP / action.. before a big boss or a battle you spend 500bits and you can pump all your points into combat and rape the boss..

8- Stealing is not punished at all, you just pillage every city you go to without consequence..

9- There are essentially 5 types of enemies with different skins (humans, Robots, flying robots, giant mantis aliens and dinosaur type aliens)

10 - Status effects are overpowered in this game.. one shot of poison or plasma drains like 10% of your life per second.. avoid getting hit by.. Overall this game is massively unbalanced..