Very relaxing and fun

User Rating: 9 | theHunter: Call of the Wild XONE
I know hunting games are usually a bit naff, something most people would not admit to playing, nevermind enjoying. Hunter: Call of the Wild is very different. The truly expansive, realistic hunting reserves are massive. You can walk for hours just taking in the sights. The hunting aspect is also related with seriousness and is as realistic as possible. If you run through the woods shooting like a madman, done expect to see many animals. If you take your time, and use your hunting skills and perks, you’ll find plenty. More than anything, HCOW is just relaxing. Many time my “half hour” relaxation turned into 3+ hours, which I didn’t notice because it didn’t feel like it. The devs are quite committed to this title, and very enthusiastic. There is also an equally enthusiastic fan base. Brilliant game!