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American Horror Story: Roanoke Episode 5 & 6 Breakdown

My Roanoke Nightmare wraps up in terrifying fashion but it's so popular and successful that the network orders a follow-up series. Welcome to Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell which promises even more bloodshed. Greg and Ryan break down Episodes 5 & 6 of AHS Roanoke.

The spin-off series brought together the real-life survivors of Roanoke as well as the actors that played their counterparts in the original series. Think of it like The Real World mixed in with Big Brother and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It turns out the spin-off series doesn't go exactly as planned. That's because they decided to film during the Blood Moon, which we know, is a horrible mistake.

If you love American Horror Story as well as reality TV, there's no way you're not going to enjoy this mid-season twist in AHS: Roanoke.