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New Battlefield Portal Gives Us ALL The Options | GameSpot News

In today’s GameSpot News, Persia talks about the new Battlefield Portal details, Elden Ring gameplay that’s coming November 4th, and more.

Battlefield Portal details have been revealed and it will give players the chance to create the Battlefield experiences of their dreams with content from Battlefield 3, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 1942, and 2042 available to choose from. Gameplay modes, maps, weapons, UI, AI, and more can all be tuned to your liking.

Bandai Namco will show off more of From Software's eagerly awaited RPG Elden Ring on November 4th, 2021. It will air at 7 AM PT / 10 AM ET and you can watch the footage on YouTube and Twitch.

As announced in its latest quarterly earnings, Activision Blizzard has delayed the releases of both Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4, two of Blizzard's most anticipated upcoming titles. In another part of the investor presentation, Activision Blizzard noted that the Overwatch League will still play an early build of Overwatch 2 starting next spring.

And in case you didn’t know, a new category has been added to Twitch called “Animals, Aquariums, & Zoos”. This week is Animal Week and Twitch is partnering with select groups to raise awareness for the conservation of wildlife.