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Until Dawn Successor And A Horrifying Mod Returns | GameSpot News

Supermassive Games announces The Quarry, Elden Ring gets a Thomas the Tank Engine mod, and Elden Ring sells 12 million copies.

The Quarry is a "teen horror" more in line with what players saw in Until Dawn. The game focuses on a group of nine counselors hanging out at Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp on the last day of the season. The Quarry is set to launch on June 10 on PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.

Thomas the Tank Engine has invaded Elden Ring. The children's TV icon has been modded into all sorts of games, and now he can appear right in the middle of the Lands Between. You can find the mod at NexusMods if you want to try it for yourself.

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