I had so much fun in this game, close to GTA V!

User Rating: 10 | Watch Dogs 2 (San Francisco Edition) PC


-good missions design, had fun with side-quests and activities, the world feels alive;

-lovely soundtrack including all genre;

- gorgeous graphics on ULTRA settings, fantastic world - vibrant and cinematic, colorful and detailed;

-the phone with apps and camera - I took a lot of photos (and people react when pointing the camera to them) ;

-realistic reactions from pedestrians and drivers, overall a beautiful recreated city with all the landmarks and hidden secrets ;

-stores, amazing clothes and accessories ;

-good story but not the best, it is bearable - overall message of the game is meh'

-good gameplay, the game wants you to play on stealth mode - and it's very satisfying if you get it right!


-driving mechanics and physics are pretty terrible;

-some characters are annoying and cheesy, but the main one is likeable;

-AI is sometimes inconsistent;

-story is not that good, but it will do;

It's a bit different style from Watch Dogs 1, which had a darker vibe - some people liked that, but I enjoyed this one more!