A broken Banjo-Kazooie rip off

User Rating: 1 | Yooka-Laylee XONE

First off, I get that this is made by the same team behind Banjo-Kazooie. That's already been beaten into our heads during advertising for this game. It doesn't make up for the fact that this game is honestly just a poor man's rip off of Banjo-Kazooie. The characters are the same, The abilities are the same. Even the voice-over work, as well as the soundtrack, are all almost exactly the same in comparison to Banjo-Kazooie. Call it a "spiritual successor" if you want, That doesn't make up for the clear lack of creativity and originality. If anything, It makes the developer come off as lazy and uninspired. Instead, They just rehash old stuff and expect people to buy it. Luckily, I was given a free copy otherwise I would have never bothered.

A big reason why I never bothered was the broken camera system. And guess what? Despite the complete overhaul of the camera system, It's still very much broken. The camera system makes it difficult to platform in some sections because of the way the camera is implemented. It zooms in when you don't want it to or it rotates without you rotating it. An absolute must for any quality platforming game is having a functional camera system and this game doesn't it.

Now, Let's not forget about the numerous bugs in this game as well. Just in the first world alone, I've been glitched through floors, I've had missions glitch to the point where I can't complete them either. For example, You have to platform to the top of a cliff to defeat two enemies and get a jewel for the Shovel Knight. You can defeat one enemy but the other floated away on me. I died and came back, I killed the enemy but it didn't register. I had to quit the game and start it all over again, Repeating the process for the fourth time, in order to beat what should have been a simple mission.

Mind you, This is one of many issues that the game deals with. There's no clear navigation with this game. They don't tell you what to do or where to go. You have to figure it out by yourself, Which means you can be stuck on the simplest thing for a while and it's quite frustrating. I found mission objectives are really repetitive and boring. Visually, The game doesn't look all that impressive either and actually looks rather dated in comparison to recent platformers.

Overall: 1/10
If you wanna rip off your best work and call it something new, At least try to make something new. The developer honestly just re-skinned the Banjo-Kazooie series, Changed the names, and expects to cash in on a broken and laughably bad game. If only took me a few hours to get sick of it before I deleted it and put it back on the shelf.