Perfection with more desires

User Rating: 10 | Aliens: Fireteam Elite (Deluxe Edition) XBSX

I have a lot to say about this game & rate it a 9/10 with all things considered & a personal 10/10 for me and I will tell you why.

All other games rescinded, the Aliens & Terminator FPS shooter franchise is what I most lone for & have been waiting what seems like an eternity my opinions come from extreme fanboyism. Mind you that a lack of offline mode would have hugely affected my opinion & purchase of this game, but since we have offline mode I am ecstatic.

I want to pay respects & thank the hard work and dedication of the dev team. You did an amazing job on capturing the atmosphere, sound & feel of the Aliens lore. A SUPERB job on the Giger inspired environments & paid special homage & you GET IT! The alien diversity, synths, albino spiders add a great cast. The sound of the pulse rifle & aliens screeching in my Dolby Atmos headsets just absorbs me into the universe. Has anyone bothered to see the credits & see just how small the dev team is & with that considered you can come closer to realize just how AMAZING of a feat this really is? Sorry, but even MS with their seemingly unlimited budgets & resources couldn't have been able to produce this in such a short time.

I loved this, but I did not expect my friends to love it as much as they did. They bought it because of me & we have already completed the game and we had a genuinely great time & we will revisit the most difficult level next.

Now for the problems:

1-Hard to find online players many times, and they need to let players drop in & out in order to make this game more successful. HUGE mistake not to consider that....HUGE and this needs to change QUICK for the longer term success of the game. Sometimes the online play just disconnects until they hopefully fix the bugs.

2-Yes, I agree more consideration in gameplay difficulty needed to be considered in single player & local coop mode, lets say with just 2 people. Priority should have been more toward offline single player & local COOP & then multiplayer. Next time have a "taunt" system, where you taunt the xeno's & the more you taunt them the more difficult it gets & have users adjust the difficulty in real time & with experience. This would fix single player complaints & any online difficulty complaints all at once! More on this at the end.

3-Would have been nice to have some larger boss fights, or at least at the very end shooting at the queen & not just running away from her, but I get it with such a small team & cannot take that away from you. Hopefully in update DLC or a future AFE 2?

4-Need Ripley, Predator, Aliens, Terminator, Shwarzzy paid skins ...I will buy all! I will buy any DLC maps to support this. And games that I love I always buy multiple copies on different platforms too to support devs.

Future Aliens/Terminator/Predator FPS games need to make local offline & local coop a PRIORITY, as many are tired of the Anthem/Avengers/Outriders multiplayer problems already & they will not invest top dollar in such games and the game will fall quick! We don't go in the arcade to pump $60-$100 dollars in each machine, as I am not willing to do that in online only games either, as I can just play Fortnite, Apex, or the older COD or Battlefields & be content. You want to earn my hard earned money, you need to give me something for it that makes it feel worth it & not make me feel ripped off!

And why I give it 10/10, because I appreciate the current content & know that we may never get anything like this again for a long time & it will be the only game we have to play. I really hope others support this & we get more! It is overall an amazing & fun game.

If there are 10 versions of this game with different environments, I would buy all 10 of them each gen. Same goes true for Terminator games.