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Aliens: Fireteam Elite Gets Release-Day Discount At Walmart

Xbox Series X and Xbox One users can save on the new Aliens game.


In case you didn't know, a new game based on the iconic Aliens franchise launched today. Aliens: Fireteam Elite has flown a bit under the radar, but it's a third-person shooter that's definitely worthy of the Aliens moniker. If you're an Aliens fan playing on Xbox, you can get a copy of Aliens: Fireteam Elite for $34 at Walmart, down from $40. Unfortunately, this deal isn't available for the PS4/PS5 version of the game.

The only downside to this deal is that "pickup in store" is not available and Walmart estimates orders to arrive by August 30. But if you're willing to wait a bit to dive in, it's definitely worth grabbing before the price goes back up.

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The third-person shooter earned an 8/10 in our Aliens: Fireteam Elite review. "Despite what its reduced price might suggest, there's a lot here to keep you entertained for numerous hours, especially once you've managed your first run through all four acts and start tackling them again with higher difficulty settings in the pursuit of consistently better gear," critic Alessandro Barbosa wrote. "There's so much satisfaction in customizing and managing a handful of classes with enough depth to transform them into the Colonial Marine you need at a given time, along with a plethora of great weapons to make the moment-to-moment action engaging from the first time you pull the trigger."

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