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Duke Lives Out Penthouse Fantasy

GT Interactive and Intersphere have created a new level for Duke Nukem 3D; Penthouse Pets poised to star


Duke Nukem is a man of simple tastes. High on his list of loves are: his home planet Earth, kicking alien butt, and women (preferably strippers, scantily clad). Now a new level from GT Interactive and developer Intersphere Communications allows him to indulge in all three - in spades.

Available this month at both GT Interactive's and Penthouse's web sites, the free downloadable Duke Nukem 3D: Penthouse Paradise takes place on the Penthouse Paradise island resort. Everyone's favorite muscle-bound hero, having endured the adventures in Duke Nukem 3D and preparing for more in the Plutonium Pak, is taking a little R&R. While wallowing in the sun and enjoying a few photo shoots, aliens drop in to spoil his perfect getaway. It's a good thing he thought to bring along his weapons. While clearing out the island and making the aliens pay by blasting through hotels, restaurants, and The Strip, he gets to meet Penthouse pets. Talk about the ultimate male fantasy.

In a statement, a spokesperson for GT said, "It's only fitting that a character with Duke's panache and style collaborates with the modern women of Penthouse magazine."

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