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First Images for Marvel's Jessica Jones, Plus Daredevil Updates

Jones, Cage, and the Purple Man.


Jessica Jones, the latest show set within the Marvel universe, is due to hit Netflix in November. Now Marvel have issued the first set of stills from the series.

The atmospheric teaser that was released earlier this month may have set the tone for the show, but didn't actually reveal any footage. But now these images showcase several cast members, including star Krysten Ritter, The Matrix's Carrie-Anne Moss, and former Doctor Who David Tenant. Check them out below:

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Also seen in the images is Mike Colter, playing fellow Marvel hero Luke Cage, who will get his own Netflix show in 2016. Tenant plays mind-controlling supervillain Kilgrave (aka The Purple Man), while Rachael Taylor is Jessica's friend Trish Walker.

Netflix's other Marvel show, Daredevil, is set to return next year, following 2015's highly acclaimed first season. Marvel this week revealed that Scott Glenn will return as Daredevil's mentor Stick, with Executive Producer Jeph Loeb stating: "After seeing Scott's performance in the first season, we knew that we had to bring him back for more."

In addition to this, actor Jon Bernthal, who will play The Punisher in the upcoming season, has tweeted an on-set picture depicting the vigilante's famous skull symbol:

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The first season of Jessica Jones will feature 13 episodes, all of which hit Netflix on November 20, 2015. Daredevil season two will debut in 2016.

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