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Free PS4 Theme Now Available For International Women's Day

Celebrating women in style.


Sony has released a free PlayStation 4 theme to celebrate International Women's Day. The background features original artwork from Media Molecule artist Maja-Lisa Kehlet, who is currently at work on Dreams. The art features the leading women from several PlayStation exclusives: Chloe and Nadine from Uncharted, Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn, Kara from Detroit: Become Human, Ellie from The Last of Us, and a pink bear-like creature from Dreams.

The bad news for Americans is this theme appears to be a UK-exclusive. If you're in the right region, you can grab it from the PlayStation Store. Still, for those of us who aren't, it's a nice piece of artwork paying respects to the holiday.

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On top of that, PlayStation Europe also put out a video celebrating women's contributions to their company and various first-party studios. Watch below to see some of the women who are involved in every aspect of PlayStation games, from art and sound design to programming and community management.

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