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Jason Statham Would Love to Play a "Different" James Bond

Would the Transporter actor make a good 007?


Actor Daniel Craig is set to play super-spy James Bond in this year's Spectre and reportedly another movie to follow. But who will take over for Craig for any future installments in the beloved action series?

In an interview with The Guardian, The Transporter's Jason Statham says he'd be up for gig if it was offered to him.

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"Could I do it? Abso-f**king-lutely," he said. “Would I do it? Abso-f**king-lutely."

Statham went on to say that he thinks Craig has done a great job bringing 007 to life in the three films he's appeared in so far. However, the actor also said he would like to approach the iconic character in a "different" way.

“Yeah, I'd make a decent Bond," Statham said. “But it'd be very, very different if I did it."

Though he certainly sounds enthusiastic about playing the hero, Statham said he wouldn't like to play a Bond villain. This despite Statham portraying the central antagonist in Furious 7.

“I don't know if I wanna to do that," he said. "That's not my thing. I'd rather play the other guy."

Another name circulated as a potential replacement for Craig has been Idris Elba. Who would you like to see take over when Craig eventually exits? Let us know in the comments below.

Meanwhile, the James Bond video game license is currently believed to be in limbo, after Call of Duty publisher Activision reportedly dropped it.

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