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Juice Your Joy-Cons With This Nintendo Switch Battery Pack Deal For Prime Day

You can get more playtime out of your Nintendo Switch by adding a battery pack, on sale for Amazon Prime Day.


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can last you hundreds of hours, but the Switch Joy-Cons can't. What to do? Sure, you could buy an extra set of Joy-Cons or even go outside while your controllers recharge, but Ganondorf isn't going to slay himself. When you absolutely need to keep playing, you want extra power, and there's a handy deal for just such an occasion as part of Amazon Prime Day.

The Joy-Con AA Battery Pack is what it says on the tin: a pair of battery packs that clip right onto your left and right Joy-Con controllers. The batteries then act as a secondary power source to extend your playtime. The set even includes four AA batteries. As a bonus, the packs themselves make the Switch Joy-Cons more substantial, and some user reviews report they feel more comfortable in bigger hands.

The Joy-Con AA Battery Pack ($22 $35)

Of course you could also grab a Switch Pro Controller at a significant discount for Prime Day, or save on the excellent third-party 8BitDo controller. And as always with Prime Day, other retailers are getting in on the sales, like GameStop with a huge sale on Switch games. Be sure to check out our roundup of all the best Nintendo Switch deals for more.

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