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New Jurassic World Trailer Released, Shows Off Deadly Mutant Dino

Super-intelligent (and deadly) genetically modified dino revealed in new trailer for this summer's blockbuster.


Universal Pictures on Monday released a new trailer for Jurassic World, and it does not disappoint.

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The "official trailer," as they're calling it, dives into the story of why park organizers decided to make a mutant dino (you can probably guess why). And it also has some nice action sequences and beautiful vistas.

We also get a closer look at the monster-sized genetically modified dinosaur that is, unfortunately for park attendees, super-intelligent. It even hunts for sport.

On top of that, the video shows off Chris Pratt's character working together with velociraptors (and dudes with machine guns) to hunt hunt down the mighty dino and bring peace to the park.

Jurassic World hits theaters on June 12. You can watch the movie and then enjoy E3 a week later.

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