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New Tropico 6 Trailer Shows A Stolen Statue Of Liberty And More New Features

Vote El Presidente.


Tropico 6 was revealed back at E3 with a very silly teaser video, and that tone has continued with the latest trailer. It shows a Statue of Liberty stolen and put right in the middle of the tropics, for example, thought it does also give a glimpse into the game's new features.

There's palace customization, additional transportation and infrastructure options, and the ability to steal landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, or the Colosseum. We saw the game at E3 last year, and its "El Presidente" dictator made it clear that Tropico 6 is channeling the absurdity of modern politics.

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The most recent game in the series, Tropico 5, launched in 2014, initially for PC only before later coming to Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One. We enjoyed that entry in the management sim franchise: our critic, Maxwell McGee, awarded the game an 8/10.

"Whether you're playing alone or with up to three others online, the game strikes a good balance between style and substance that is easy to digest for all types of strategy fans," he wrote. "The constant power struggle between the game's various factions--both internal and abroad--creates an ever-changing challenge for you to manage as El Presidente, whether through force or appeasement. And while the rest of the world tears itself apart with World War-this and Cold War-that, the simple-minded Tropicans are there to kick their feet up and take it easy for all us sinners."

Tropico 6 is not developed by the studio that made the previous game, Haemimont Games, but instead by Might & Magic studio Limbic Entertainment. For more on the upcoming strategy game, watch the trailer above or check out our preview of Tropico 6's new features here.

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