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Payday 3 Requires An Always-Online Connection To Play, Dev Suggests

Yes, even in single-player.


Payday 3 may require an always-online internet connection, even for single-player, according to a developer. Speaking during a livestream, global brand director Almir Listo suggested both multiplayer and single-player need you to be online in order to play.

"You will be able to play by yourself, but I do believe you will have to have a connection in order to play because it's made in Unreal Engine, it's using cross-progression [and] cross-play, I do believe we need you to be online," Payday 3 global brand director Almir Listo said in a Payday 2 stream.

We have reached out to Starbreeze for clarification on Payday 3's potential always-online requirement and will update this post when we hear back from the studio.

Payday and Payday 2 both featured an offline mode that allowed for AI teammates to help you out in your bank heists, and naturally, fans aren't too happy that such a mode won't be available in Payday 3. "I think 'always online' is like one of the worst features you can have for a game," said Nooby_Chris (via PC Gamer) on the Payday subreddit, while another fan was concerned about the future of the game once it reaches the end of its lifespan.

There's also the question of poor internet connections--which is still an issue in many parts of the world--while other players have found the silver lining here, as one player noted that shifting to always-online could mean having more portable save game files, more digital defenses against hackers, and relevant feedback for Starbreeze to get an active look at the content that players keep coming back for.

Payday 3 officially launches on September 18 for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC. Amidst the many new changes in this game, players can expect to see revamped special enemy types, new weapon customization options, updated progression systems, and altered difficulty settings to create smarter enemy AI.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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