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Sega Announces 'Big Title Collection'

Compile and Capcom join Sega in announcing its upcoming games at a summer press conference.


There's more life left in the Saturn, at least in Japan.

While American gamers are anxiously awaiting news of Sega's Black Belt system, Japanese gamers are getting treated to some great new titles for Sega's 32-bit system.

Yesterday, Compile and Capcom joined Sega in announcing new Saturn titles for the rest of the year and beyond. The group of game has been dubbed Sega Saturn Big Titles Collection '97 Summer, and there were a few surprises in the bunch.

Sega's collection of new titles included three games - two of which were seen a few weeks ago at E3. Sonic R and Touring Car Championship joined a new game, Japan Pro Wrestling featuring Virtua. The "featuring Virtua" part is tacked on because Jeffry and Wolf from the Virtua Fighter series are included as wrestlers featured in the game. Japan Pro Wrestling featuring Virtua will be released on October 23rd in Japan.

Capcom's lineup included three of its most anticipated titles, all of which are fighting games. X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Vampire Savior (Darkstalkers 3), and Marvel Superheroes vs. Street Fighter are the titles that Capcom touted at the press conference. All of the games utilize the Sega RAM cartridge, which upgrades the amount of RAM in the Saturn.

Compile also has an impressive lineup of games, including an RPG based on the motif of its hit Puyo Puyo series. Called Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, the RPG should be released in 1998. This joins the D-meets-Resident Evil RPG genre-melding I Miss You and another RPG, all planned as late 1997-early 1998 releases.

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