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This Week's Xbox One and Xbox 360 Deals Revealed

Save on Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed Rogue, Payday 2, and more this week only.

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Microsoft has announced this week's list of Xbox 360 and Xbox One deals, which sees a range of new and old titles marked down, including Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed Rogue, and Payday 2.

To cash in on those deals, you'll need an Xbox Live Gold subscription. However, a long list of Nordic Games titles are also on sale this week for Xbox 360, including Red Faction Armageddon and Darksiders II, and those deals are available to all Xbox Live members.

The deals listed below are available now through February 9. Let us know in the comments below what you're picking up this week.

And don't forget, Xbox 360 owners with an Xbox Live Gold membership can now download Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons for free up until February 15. Meanwhile, Xbox One owners with a paid membership can pick up #IDARB for free all month long as part of Microsoft's Games With Gold promotion.

Xbox One (Requires Xbox Live Gold):

  • Far Cry 4 -- $40.20
  • Far Cry 4 Gold Edition -- $60.30

Xbox 360 (Requires Xbox Live Gold):

Xbox 360 Nordic Games Sale (Does Not Require Xbox Live Gold):

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