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World Championship Racing Video

Have a look at GS News' exclusive gameplay footage from the new Matsushita console system.


Two weeks back, GS News brought users information and screenshots on World Championship Racing, The 3DO Company's nearly complete title for the yet unseen Matsushita console system. Now we have two exclusive videos to present.

The game features realistic physics and handling, prerace track tutorials, replay functions, real-time damage, four different camera angles (full screen, cockpit, far behind the car, and close behind the car), brake lights, and a high frame rate. Most impressive is the title's complete lack of pop-up: The entire track was already built, and in some cases, miles of background can be seen.

Readers will remember that back in October of '95, Matsushita bought 3DO's 64-bit M2 technology, and it has since kept entirely quiet about its plans for it (though one popular belief is that Matsushita will saddle it to one of its upcoming DVD players).

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