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Youngblood to Show at E3

Independent comic-turned-game, will be showcased by GT Interactive.


GT Interactive will be showcasing its action RPG combat game Youngblood at E3 this year. Based on Rob Liefeld's comic book from Extreme Studios and Awesome Entertainment, the game features a task force of superheroes who must deal with celebrity in the 1990s and an evil character inside the Youngblood organization - Dr. Leviticus. Teamed with Youngblood's archenemy Giger, he plans to create the perfect combat supersoldiers.

Youngblood is a top-down game with eleven real-time missions. Players control teams of two to four heroes - including Badrock, Vogue, Riptide, and Diehard – who battle Green Dynamo and Giger. The characters gain experience points and obtain conversational clues in gameplay. Deathmatch mode is also available.

Liefeld will make an appearance at GTI's booth at E3. Youngblood is due out for both the PC and the Sony PlayStation in November.

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