This game makes you feel like spiderman

User Rating: 9 | Marvel's Spider-Man PS4

Warning: Spoilers

Spiderman Ps4 one of the best games I've played since the Arkham games and one the best Spiderman stories I've seen in a long time.

The costume in this game is just incredible and I think it's one of my favourites it suits the character so much and the style of this game.

The action and fighting style is incredible and plays just like the Arkham games but is more suited to Spiderman. The villains we get in this one are amazing and have different stories than in the comics and they brilliantly adapted especially the Doctor Octopus he is handled really well in this game.

The best part of this game is definitely the swinging gameplay you feel like spiderman everytime you do it and it never gets boring just alot of fun from start to finish.

Verdict 9.5/10 a fantasic game with a great spiderman story and characters the action is incredible and the gameplay is just amazing and never gets boring we need a sequel to this game now.