fast realistic deep gameplay and graphics plot characters some anime constant music convenient settings gr optimization

User Rating: 10 | Scarlet Nexus PC

A game that I didn't want to end and I'm extremely grateful for it. A masterpiece of the gaming industry and other industries in general.

Plot - the plot is a legendary deep emotional moral story and human qualities, sometimes funny and rhythmic' very interesting and soulful.

Gameplay and graphics - with fast realistic gameplay and graphics, some anime, and constant music that won't let you get bored. But there maybe enough variety of gameplay, interesting different ways to win for different mobs and bosses, each in a certain way that you have to think of, well-balanced regular difficulty (medium, there are lower and higher too), but the rhythm of the character needed to be accelerated, or rather the evasion speed and speed of the TK. Because the player gets used to it, and his character dodges and uses TK at the same speed as at the beginning of the game and takes damage. The feeling that your character does not match the speed of the mobs, that is, you press dodge, but the character takes a long time to do it.

Character leveling is also balanced and interesting' connections stories and gifts, character growth.

Unfortunately, the plot is not enough to learn all the skills... This is a mistake. But otherwise the character development is balanced and comfortable.

You can save the progress almost anytime and there is autosave before boss fight!

Another thing in the game made me very happy, a necessary thing, the realistic proportions of buildings, streets, the city, you feel that you are on the street, the city, the buildings are huge, and you, a person, are small. I don't mean make small characters, I mean make reality realistic.

The characters do not look like mannequins, they convey emotions well, as does the direction of the scenes, nothing and no one looks stupid, even the exaggerated humor is perfectly combined. There is no encouragement for evil, everything returns to normal, The characters are written well and deeply. Despite the presence of anime, the city, mobs, everything is very realistic graphics. (Hello Marvel's Spider-man.. It's a pity that you were recreated so badly, r.i.p.. this review is especially dedicated to you)

Technical - Great optimization 4K (2160p) 60FPS

Zero errors.

Ideas - Very impressive.

Convenient settings, but it is impossible to remove the photo mode button from the screen.

There is manual scrolling of subtitles.

PS5 gamepade.

You can choose the Yuito or Kasane campaign, these are different storylines and personalities, intersecting in the global plot (I played as Kasane and this is my recommendation). There is NewGame+.

Usually games are boring, but here it is very soulful and there is always music, the characters always develop for the better, are understandable and close to you, everyone has some kind of story, some tests in life, the gameplay is very fast, there is always novelty.

Without any crazy Sweet baby...

A very valuable game!

But it’s very expensive, I bought it at a big discount, the prices are just from another planet, I don’t understand what the publishers are thinking about.

Developers - thank you and if you do second part - please don't make a bad ending...