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Baldur's Gate 3 Release Date, Deathloop Delay, & Another Batman Tease | Save State

We now have a release date and more details for Baldur's Gate 3 early access. Deathloop is delayed to 2021, and the Batman game teaser site gave us more teasers.

In today's Save State, Chastity talks about how Baldur’s Gate 3 was initially planned for August, but will now release in early access on PC and Stadia in late September. The release date was confirmed during the Panel from Hell stream during Summer Games Fest, in which we got a new CGI trailer and details on five origin characters at launch.

Adjusting to working from home during COVID-19 has been a challenge for numerous game developers, including Arkane Studios. Their game Deathloop has officially been delayed to 2021.

In Batman news, yesterday we talked about the Batman teaser site, for a game rumored to be called Gotham Knights. The countdown on the official site ended, and it resulted in...another teaser.The game will most likely be revealed during the WB Montreal panel at DC Fandome this Saturday, August 22. We will also be covering all the biggest DC movies from DC Fandome over on

While you're here, check out GameSpot's merch store! Until the end of August, all the proceeds will go to charity, split between Black Lives Matter and COVID-19 direct relief. Check it out here: