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Sonic Frontiers Hands On Impressions | Summer Game Fest 2022

We got some hands on time with Sonic Frontiers, the new open world entry to the Sonic franchise, at the Summer Game Fest Play Days event. Playing 15 minutes each, Dave and Jordan were able to explore, test the new combat system in boss battles and solve some puzzles to give their first impressions of the game.

We got some hands on time with Sonic Frontiers, the new open world entry to the Sonic franchise, at the Summer Game Fest Play Days event. Playing 15 minutes each, Dave and Jordan were able to explore, test the new combat system in boss battles and solve some puzzles to give their first impressions of the game.

Drawing clear inspiration from open world games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Sonic Frontiers takes Sonic in a new direction for the franchise, with open exploration, more intricate combat mechanics and puzzles to solve. In the above video, Jordan and Dave discuss their first impressions, hopes and fears for Sonic Frontiers, and get an early sense for where Sonic Frontiers might be heading.

#SonicFrontiers #SummerGameFest