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Action-Packed Project Eve Trailer Revealed At PlayStation Showcase

The explosive trailer was the first time we've seen the game since its 2019 reveal.


The PlayStation Showcase has unveiled a brand-new trailer for Project Eve, an upcoming action game from Korea's Shift Up Studio.

The game features a woman named Eve fighting against multiple monstrous enemies called NA:tives that have taken over Earth, including a giant squid-like creature and a foe with a spiked wheel on its head. Hack-and-slash combat and quick-time events were shown during the trailer, along with plenty of explosions.

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Now Playing: Project Eve Trailer | Playstation Showcase 2021

The official PlayStation blog post outlines many of Eve's abilities, including "scaling walls, sliding tactically, and swinging on ropes" to traverse the terrain as well as a parry system, quick dodges, and a combo system. The DualSense's haptic feedback will be compatible with Project Eve, letting the player feel everything "the sensation of the blade slicing into the enemy to the exceptional skills that tingle your hands."

RPG elements are also included via the Beta Gauge, built through successful parries and evasion. The gauge can then be spent for more powerful abilities, including "piercing super armor, execute sweeping attacks, interrupt enemy combos, and more."

The game is being made by a studio within Shift Up called Second Eve Studio, made up of former developers of Blade and Soul, another Korean-developed game. No release date has been announced, as the team is "not ready to announce when Project Eve will release on PS5" according to the blog post.

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