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Megamedia Announces E3 Lineup

Six games will be previewed, including Chasm - The Shadow Zone and Outlaw Racers.

As E3 draws closer, more and more companies will be announcing their show lineups. Megamedia Corporation, not to be outdone, just announced that it will preview six games at this year's show. The titles, which cover a multitude of genres, include Outlaw Racers, a racing sim with a soundtrack composed by Jan Hammer, who also did the music for "Miami Vice". Chasm - The Shadow Zone is a first-person shooter in a world in which time channels have allowed aliens into the universe. Admiral: Ancient Ships lets players take on the role of a naval commander of ships from ancient civilizations, and Star Nations is a space strategy title in which players must control their planetary colonies and star bases and drive off hostile forces. And in the multiplayer Submarine Titans, an ecological catastrophe has rendered a certain mineral extremely important, and players must gain control of it.

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