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Midway Dusts Off Arcade Classics

Atari Collection 1 is ready to go on the Saturn; to be released next month.


Saturn gamers who have an appetite for things retro will get a double dose in June. First, it was announced last week that Working Designs will be releasing the Sega Ages Volume 1 in the US. Now, Midway has announced that it is putting the finishing touches on the Saturn release of Atari Collection 1.

Midway's Atari Collection was released last year on the PlayStation, but Saturn owners have had to wait for the Saturn release, now slated for June 3.

Games on the disc include Asteroid, Super Breakout, Centipede, Tempest, Missile Command, and Battlezone. Like its PlayStation cousin, the Saturn version features a multimedia history of the games included on the disc and interviews with the original developers.

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