Commiting suicide by way of getting eaten by rats is less painful.

User Rating: 1 | 25 to Life PS2
This anti-fun game is not even worth the disk its printed on. The story is awful, filled with bad voice "acting" stupid stero types and a dumb plot. I still can't belive they used a vinilla Ice wanna be for the finale boss. The music isn't horriable but its overly geto for a game that wouldn't scare a granny. THe controls suck. The game is just awful. It's easy to beat but I put "very hard" because its hard to not puke at this abomination. I put broken for two reasons, 1) it is broken and 2) I wish every copy was distroyed. The only good thing is that you can beat it in under 5 hours, so the sucking is short. I would have given it a 0 out of 10 but it won't let me. I would rather play ET and Superman 64 (ok well even that is a little to harsh). I take that back, Superman 64 might be the one game worse then this, but hardly. I hope that every copy of this "game" is destroyed one day, that would be great. So remember: DON'T RENT, DON'T BUY, DON'T PLAY! or a kitten will kill you, wich will be good cause it will put you out of your missery.