So this game is a decent game and is worth the price tag it is worth now.

User Rating: 5.5 | 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand X360
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand

Publisher: THQ
Developer: Swordfish Studio's
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Mature
Released: February 24, 2009

The visuals for 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand are not bad but they are not that great either and I experienced some bugs and some frame rate issues even with the game installed to the hard-drive, but some of the problems were minor in some areas of the game but it was enough to render my experience with the game. The detail to the environments are a little dated and a bit bland and the detail to the character's looked great and right on in th facial aspect but the detail to 50 cent himself and I do realize at the time when this game was released he was big in muscle tone but the detail to his character was a little overly done which he actually looked like he was on steroids cause in almost every cut scene the veins on his arm's were popping out like he was on steroids and that was just one of the bad detail's in the game. The detail of the enemies in this game seemed to be copy and pasted which was not good to look at shooting the same type of enemies. So in short the visuals are ok but dated and it show's.

The audio in this game was probably the best aspects in this game from the sound of weapon's to the game's sound track and all the way to the voice acting and with that said I'll start with the voice work which was pretty good with 50 cent, Tony Yayo, Lloyd Banks and DJ Woo Kid all doing the voice work them self's and the supporting cast of character's was great as well. The sound of the weapons well sounded ok they were not that unrealistically in sound but still pretty good but not that good there was still something about the sound's of the weapon's that really did not sound to right but still they were ok. Now the sound track for this game is basically all hit tracks from 50 cent himself and G-unit at the time and some of the tracks on this game are pretty great but some of them did not help the game to much. So in short on the audio for this game it great from the voice work all the way to the sound track.

The gameplay in this game is simply a mixture between the Gears of War series, Army of Two and there is some of The Club in this game as well, But I'll talk about those aspects in a bit. So in this game you play as none other than 50 Cent himself and you can play local co-op and/or even on-line co-op, well I don't like doing this but I'll mention the plot line a little bit and the plot is sorta like this 50 cent and G-unit play to sold out and successful concert in the mid east for a cool 10 million dollars the promoter can't pay up cause of it being stolen from him so he offer's him a very valuable skull, so you get ambushed on your way back to the airport and they steal the skull so now 50 cent and G-unit go across two countries in the mid-east to find out who took the skull and get it back and with that said playing through the game with the cover system element plays the same way as in the Gears of War series and it is a little similar as in Army of Two but the team work on open big shutter gates and to climb up on to hard to reach areas is also from Army of Two and the little bit of The Club I mentioned is on each of the level's their are some bullet target's to find and shoot and some poster's to look for to up boost your final score to help you in getting a silver or a gold medal at the end of each chapter for the corresponding mission you are on and the gun play is more like Army of Two as well but the gun play worked a little better in Army of Two then in this game, the friendly and enemy A.I in this game is absolutely horrible and I'll explain it a bit with you friendly don't really help at all so you can get a better position on the the enemy but hey don't get me wrong cause the emphasis is for you to do most of the work this was just bad and this is where the horrible enemy A.I came with the bad friendly A.I while your A.I partner would be shooting at the enemy to try and draw their fire and their fire will be still focused on you which at time's made a pain in the you know what and almost unplayable.So the gameplay all together after a while got a little repetitive, but still this game had it's fun moments like driving elements and flying a helicopter, So this game is fun while it last's.

So the overall point for this game is dated visuals, great audio and some borrowed elements from some good game's like the Gears of War series, Army of Two and The Club and this game is a decent pick for under $30 bucks so but I got lucky and got it for about $5 bucks on sale, but still it is till worth picking up it is a pretty decent game, so check it out.

5.5 out of 10