Review of age of mythology titan's expansion pack. (My first one)

User Rating: 10 | Age of Mythology PC
Well the games both have fun levels to play. Although playing the normal age of mythology levels takes a bit longer. If I were to rated I would rate it addicting 9 out of 10, entertainment 2 out of 5, educational 7 out of 10( if you actually read all the facts about everything then it is 9 out of 10). The levels aren't that graphical because you are in a birds eye view. As I was saying before the normal version is longer but easier well the titan's version is short and harder. For the editor on the game (where you create the maps) it is time consuming if you plane on making a good map with plenty of triggers. I would suggest just downloading maps from this site it is easier and a lot more fun. So if you are wondering to buy it I would suggest it. Don't be to mean about this review it was my first one ever!