Very good game had a potential for a seconde one but microsoft i guese didnt want to.

User Rating: 9 | Age of Mythology: The Titans PC
pretty old game now but very good sometimes got boring but multiplayer was extremly good and fun all the "races' were very balenced campaign was exiting
and taght me alot about gods and godesses and mytholical creatures
titans helped finish the game quicker. skirmishes are funsometime but computers seem alittle stupid-sutch as walling off an arrea so theyed go any where there was an opening so you could just defend the opening the new atlantian race was a good and diffent adision.-i think the games still avalible in stores
-my favorit way of takeing out a titan is use lots of atlantian archers and make them all heros very affective and cool to watch um all fire

eygipt kind of had it bad beacuse everything costed more gold that every thing else

norse always had trouble geting favour beacuse you had to be in war so usely you wouldnt have very maney mith unites

atlantians villigers costed alot of reasourses but they didnt have to drop things off and they could get thigs faster

greeks were very balanced and realy didnt have problems

Your fellow gamer Mike1238
or lots of verious aldaris(es)