Age of Mythology: The Titans is an amazing expansion pack any real time strategy gamer would love.

User Rating: 8.5 | Age of Mythology: The Titans PC
When Age of Mythology came out everyone was excited. It was Age of Empires with monsters and terrific destructive powers, only unlike many other fantasy RTS games it was done right. Anubites ran across the desert sands slaughtering hoplites, Longboats assaulted docks, and the infamous Greek colossus terrorized the lands. Now, with this expansion pack the fun only gets better.

Age of Mythology: The Titans offers a whole new civilization with three technology trees to follow. Players can time shift with Kronos, gaurd their citadels with the power of Gaia, and secretly travel through passages with Oranos. This expansion allows players to play as the Atlanteans, a group of Greeks abandoned by their dieties and cast out of civilization, only to be adopted by the mythical Titans.

As many expansion packs do, this game offers a brand new campaign featuring Arkantos's (the main character from the last game) son Kastor. Players can lead Kastor through his many great conquests and his mistakes. Players can also download a new campaign through an internet connection, adding even more hours of fun.

Gameplay in this game is typical of all RTS games. You train villagers who gather resources, build, and get killed by unfriendly animals. But the only difference is that in this game, you need favor. Favor is the resource by which mythical technologies and creatures are researched and recruited. The Greeks worship at a temple to gain favor, the Norse fight, the Egyptians build monuments, and the Atlanteans control settlements. Myth Units can slay humans very easily, however each civilization can train heroes that can slay myth units but are bad against humans. The game ends when either a series of objectives are completed or the enemy civilizations surrender. Age of Mythology: The Titans introduces a new technology for every civilization. After reaching the Mythic age, each group may then research the powers of the Titans and place a titan gate. After fully built a Titan will emerge and wreak destruction upon the game world. Don't worry though, the person who made it controls it.

This expansion also offers many other little tidbits that will interest gamers. Like the original it has a game editor that is fun to mess around with, but the new version includes atlantean units. It has interesting and educational game videos like the last version as well. Players with an internet connection may find it fun to download a special program that makes an Age of Mythology screensaver similar to on the main menu.

The graphics in this game are just like the original, slightly blocky but with alot of nice details. You can even zoom in and out of the game space. Occasionally you might get tired of looking at blocky villagers though.

All in all this was a pretty successful expansion pack. I mean come on, who doesn't love wreaking destruction with the titanic forces of nature? Overall a great expansion. The only problem is that gameplay gets old after a while, and the graphics are slightly lacking. 8.5 out of 10. Microsoft has made yet another great RTS game.