That games looks and is amazing

User Rating: 9 | Age of Mythology PC
Age of Mythology is one big great RTS game. It have all what the RTS games
need. Great and long campain,good multiplayer and just battles.

The game is about greek, egyptian and norse mythology. Every of them has three gods to choose and they have all different units and god powers. Each god has there own advanteges.The game is all about building cities and evolving through ages. Then you build your army which can contains units, siege equipment, myth units or heroes. The game specials are the titans When you have your army build you attack your opponent and fight giant battles.You build you units and buildings with food, wood or gold. Your settlers must cut forests work in a golden mine or hunt animals to gain that materials. In the game there are a lot of buildings too from town center to mill and armory or barracks and much more. There are ships too and water battles with a lot of diffrent ships. The story is long and its about greeks egyptians and norses. Its not that hard just on the ending is a little bit harder.

The game has a multiplayer option too. You have two options: online and LAN. Its up to 12 players on one map. There are a lot of maps which are all well designed and great looking. You can choose between modes like deathmach...

There are othere features too, like scenario editor in wich you can create your own maps or scenarios. You can choose betwen all the things that are in the game and place where you want. You can summon units, nature, titans-whathever you want.

When you pu all this together like they did these become amazing game with great campain and a lot of replay-ability and i can say that this is simply the bet RTS game i ever played