Alias is a bad game from start to finish and remains consistent to this pattern throughout the game.

User Rating: 4 | Alias XBOX
There is an few different attempts at a multi-genre gameplay but none are pulled off well at all. The action mechanics look like crap and are nothing more then worthless button mashing. When you encounter an enemy with or without a weapon in hand just press X and you’ll hit and throw the villains around without anything else. You can press A if you just want to strike without occasionally getting a throw in. Otherwise you can shot enemies with your gun, which is a simple hold R, and press A mechanic. The detection and flow of the combat is horrible and it looks hideous. There is an attempt at a stealth mechanic but it’s broken and you can play right through the entire game without using it. There are some occasion mini games like figure out a 3 digit 4 button code and these are acceptable but a sprinkled way to often into the game. Interacting with environments like climbing up ladders and such is a chore because you have to walk into them forever sometimes before you start climbing. There is the occasion glitch built into the game such as enemies disappearing into thin air and only their weapons and shadows can be seen. Lastly, the game designers seemingly plum forgot about putting an AI into the game as the evil soldiers act like retarded monkeys and attack in pathetic methods, along with no answer to stop you going up a letter because they can only attack on the same level amongst other huge problems.

The game looks repulsive from every aspect from the main characters to the generic guard models. The environments are unpleasant to look at and are sadly the best looking part of the game. Nothing touches the animations though; if there were ever an award for worst looking animation and interaction in a video game Alias would win hands down. The game does deliver what it promises though; there is a ton among tons of Aliasing in throughout entire game.

Holy cow, if there was ever a game that was hard to sit through a cut scene in! Worst voice acting ever, well maybe not ever but it is insanely bad. One character is so bad and annoying I immediately ejected the game and was about to throw it in the trash because my ears and brain couldn’t handle what they were hearing. Music sucks, generic repetitive action garbage that only serves a purpose to be ignored. The sound effects where produced by a three year old child playing with his toys and sound consistently unpleasant.

The biggest problem is that this game is to long it’s in the neighborhood of eight hours. Not long for a good game but anything this bad needs to stay under six to reduce illness in players, because after that long of looking at a lousy game for that long is just suicidal. Overall this is the epitome of a dreadful licensed game, which should never have come out. The designers should have spent more time making a playable game instead of a longer one. This game isn’t suitable or recommendable to anyone, and do enough people even watch Alias to warrant making a video game component? The most shocking surprise to me was that I played though with extraordinarily awful game.

Despite Gamespot’s new lazy and stupid method of scoring games here’s how the game would have ranked on the old better system:

Gameplay: 4
Graphics: 4
Sound: 4
Value: 5
Tilt: 3
Overall: 3.8