Good game. Horrible RTS.

User Rating: 6.5 | Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction XBOX
There are many good things about AvP: Extinction. The different classes are translated in an exceptional way, with resource management being kept simple and interesting. The controls are adequate and the graphics are good for an RTS that came out five years ago. The gameplay is pretty fun, when it is all said and done, and has some honestly very interesting missions for every class.

However, there are also many bad things about Extinction that keep it from being one of the best RTS games on a console. The first and most obvious is a lack of any sort of multiplayer. Multiplayer and AI skirmish mode are essentials for ANY RTS game. The unit limit for each class is ridiculously small also. The aliens have the largest with around 30-40. The predators, however, have about sixteen. Sixteen!!! I suppose the limitation is because of the then superior graphics, but it really suppresses the potential fun.